
2023 - 2024

Trainee - Web Developer

neuefische GmbH

540 Hours of Full-time Intensive Coding Bootcamp on Full Stack Web Development

2011 - Present

Sound Designer


Designing soundscapes for all kinds of visual media and providing solutions to live recording, foley, voice-over, sound design and everything audio related in general

2019 - 2022

Music Teacher

Ministry of Education of Turkey

Teaching music theory and guitar to middle and high school students in 24 student classrooms as well as private lessons

2017- 2019

Sound Supervisor

Erka Media

Teaching music theory and guitar to middle and high school students in 24 student classrooms as well as private lessons

2014- 2017


Philips Turkey | Avantgarde Media

Teaching music theory and guitar to middle and high school students in 24 student classrooms as well as private lessons